Monday, May 4, 2009

Sdar 67-74 reunion at Kangar- community work at kg Gial

The Sdar67-74 reuinion was done not without a heart for the kampong folks at kg Gial. A community work of tree planting was done at a mosque at Kg Gial. Raja Muda of Perlis graced the occasion. At the same time provisions were given to the elderlies and poor. This is Tuan Hj Husin 's kampong.

Sdar67-74 @55 Reunion Dinner 2nd May 2009

The Sdar67-74 reunion grand dinner was held on 2nd May 2009 at Putra Palace Hotel , Kangar.
The MC was none other than our great Kangkong ,Zainuddin assisted by mohd Ali.The welcoming speech by Utaz Saifullah Idris.The organising committee was strong and the proggrame was well orchestrated.All of us were touched by the presence of the convoy of Dr Manap family. We pray that Dr Manap will recover and continue serving the society and country.
Sdarian 67-74 organised a reunion@55 at Kangar on 1-3 May 2009. My wife and I were invited and sponsored to attend, together with Tuan Syed Jaafar and Puan Sharifa. We were very grateful of their kind jesture. We had family day at Timah Tasoh Ampangan on 2nd May. Children and sdarian had a fun time there. Boat rides were taken by most of us cruising around the lake which serves as flood mitigation pond and source of water for treatment plant. We had lunch at the ampangan . Later we left for Harumanis mango farm. Unfortunately the fruits are not mature yet, we left empty handed.